At long last I managed to finish this card & envelope I started 2 months ago. I got a really good start on it in one day but didn't have the right eyelets to make the doll articulated. I originally tried to find some 1/16" eyelets but the only ones I found are made of brass, which I'll save for metal work. I then ordered some 1/8" eyelets but realized I did't have a setter for that size. In between these sporatic hunts for needed supplies, I spent all of September & into October working on getting my latest "Day of the Dead" shrine finished (see previous post). No time to take a breath, I'm now at work on several new pieces for my show in March & building frames for the pieces that are already finished. I did manage to finish this card & matching envelope yesterday, one less unfinshed project is off my table, Yaaahh!

This guy is articulated so he can be folded up for mailing (1st photo) & unfolded for fun, (above photo) I'm thinking about using some kind of attachment method so he can be removed from the card if desired. The matching envelope is below. I used a striped patterned paper that I had to tone down with ink to get rid of the garish yellow. The
MadRatRubber stamps I used are the Scroll Corners, Psychedelic Circle & one of my newest stamps, the Chinese Dancer Man Doll.

I've been so busy lately that I only just recently took stock of the time, Yikes! the end of the year is upon us & will be over before we know it~! Holy Crap Batman ~ Where did the TIME go ???
OK, just to make my life even more interesting & busy (what AM I thinking?) I decided to have an
Inventory Balancing Sale. Most small stamp companies (like me) have stamps made in sheets, sometimes, some of the images on the sheet sell faster than others which leaves an excess or imbalance in inventory. So in order to get myself back in "balance" I'm marking the overstocks down.
OK, technically, I haven't ACTUALLY physically, marked them down but the ones that are On Sale have been noted on the website & I'll refund your savings once the transactions have been completed. Now until sometime around Dec 20th, these select stamps will be On Sale for 25% off. As soon as the inventory on these particular stamps are back in balance, they will be removed from sale. So to shop early for the best selection.
And if anyone out there knows where I can get some 1/16" aluminum eyelets, or something smaller than 1/8", let me know, will ya?
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