Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Pink Artist Project

I've been working on these 2 squares for, "The Pink Artist" community art doll project for the last 2 or 3 weeks and just finished them up today. In a little bit, they'll be on their way to Monica @ Girl Gone Thread Wild. This is a project to raise money & awareness for breast cancer. The squares will be used in a skirt for an art doll, then auctioned off with the proceeds going to the Susan G Komen Foundation. My Mom beat breast cancer about 27 years ago so my squares are dedicated to her & my new niece Lily. I hope by the time she's old enough to have breasts, breast cancer will be a thing of the past. If you're unfamiliar with the project follow her link to learn all about it and see what the other participants have been making.

Fabric is not my usual forte, but I've always had a thing for it and occasionally do a little sewing. I've been working on a stuffed fish lately & if I ever get around to finishing it I'll post it for y'all to see. Since I've been working on these I've been getting lots of other ideas about what kind of projects I could do that incorporate fabric & thread.
This is the envelope that's carrying my squares to their destination. Thanks Monica.

If anyone out there's interested in Mail Art, check out the links, under Mail Art, (to the right & down a bit). I found the links courtesy of Jen Worden, she had a posting about Dale Roberts on her website, he's organizing a Mail Art show & the deadline is Sept. I plan on sending in something myself.

If anyone out there knows of any other Mail Art projects, I'd love to hear about them.


  1. Well girl for someone who says they don't do much fiber this is quite beautiful! Love your site.

  2. WOW!!! Your squares are amazing. The envelope they are traveling in-is a treasure on its own.
